
Hello Atascadero!

I opened my door officially on July 5, 2021. It was a meaningful day as it was also my birthday. My birthday has been a very hard day for me the past few years, as I’ve struggled with grief around my birth mother. But this last year has brought so much healing into my life and there seemed to be no better day to open my new business and honor my birth mom. The space was filled with friends & family – light, laughter, cupcakes and flowers! I will do an official “grand opening” in a few weeks once I make sure all my systems are running smoothly. I’ve already been privileged to fit so many in super cool frames and non-prescription sunglasses! It is so much fun helping you all and I feel so much support already.

My husband surprised me on our anniversary – with a new puppy! She’s the most darling corgi and her name is Poppy. She will be a shop dog. She is the squishiest softest little nugget and will melt your heart. Juggling a new business and a new puppy is a bit challenging but puppy snuggles are the best diffuser of nerves, I’ve discovered.

Happy summer, happy progress, Atascadero! I’m loving all the real genuine connections with other local businesses. I look forward to my new business roots growing deeper, reaching for hope and change in our downtown community as we all grow together.