“Drums please! Summer, summer, summertime” Had to quote one of my favorite songs to blast with the windows down and the sun roof open! Summertime by Will Smith…annnnnnd, I’m probably aging myself. Oh well, worth it. With the summer sun blazing through after months of rain, I thought I’d share some tips for what to […]

December news!

Nov 22, 2022

Well, November was kinda sucky with Covid finally catching up to me and my husband almost cutting his finger off while working on our bathroom remodel. Moving on to December already please! Excited to announce our next Art & Wine collaboration, hosted by Atascadero Chamber of Commerce, 12/2/22 from 5-8:30. Tickets for the event can […]

As the weather shifts to Autumn, I’ve felt myself remembering the cooler mornings last year, arriving at the shop to find the Japanese Maple leaves fluttering around the courtyard and on my door mat. There’s something about the familiar that is comforting to me, to think “I remember this last year”…to anticipate watching the stormy rain through my shop windows, the hum of my Nespresso machine, and to realize this isn’t foreign anymore, and it feels like home.

We recently got back from a trip to Milan, Italy. It is our 20th wedding anniversary next month and there was an international vision/eyewear show, called MIDO, being held there in Milan. I’ve always dreamed of going to an international show AND Italy…it just needed to happen. I closed the shop for a few days […]

I got the email from Atascadero News/Paso Robles Press back in January that Specs had won Best Eyewear in a reader’s poll. I read the words but they didn’t quite register. Then, when they sunk in, I literally jumped around the back room with excitement! I opened in July 2021 and had no idea my […]

The process to order glasses from Specs by Kyla, as well as local optometrist recommendations

Grand Opening!

Sep 16, 2021

Soooo, I won’t lie, I was a nervous wreck when I opened on July 5. It was a beautiful day and lots of friends and family stopped in…but that darn imposter syndrome…who am I to think I can do this? But, guess what? I did it, and I’m doing it! The past few months have […]