I thought I’d take some time to go into detail about what I do here at Specs, the details involved in ordering glasses from us.
I don’t have an optometrist here, so your first step is to get an eye exam – which is important for your eye health as well. I have a good relationship with many in the area, so grateful for their kind support.
A few doctors in North County:
Dr. Chaffe – (805)466-4877 https://www.drchaffe.com/, his office is conveniently right around the corner from me in a cute mid-century bungalow across from Sunken Gardens.
Primary Eyecare – (805)466-3777 http://primaryeyecareslo.com/. Any of the doctors are fabulous and they are located on Morro Road. I used to work there back in the early 2000s.
For those of you in Paso Robles, I recommend Dr. Major or Kudija at Optometric Care Associates, https://www.oca2020.com/team/dr-douglas-l-major/ – actually where I started out in optical as an 18 yr old!
So, you’ve had your exam, now the fun part! Call, email or message me on social media to schedule a time to pick out frames! You are also welcome to walk in anytime and if I’m helping someone, you can browse around or relax while you wait for me, in a comfy chair with a coffee or sparkling water.
If you have your RX, bring it with you or I’m happy to call your doctor and have it faxed over. I will take a look at it, as well as look at your facial features and we will have fun finding frames that fit well, work ideally with your prescription & lifestyle, and most importantly, look amazing. 😉 Once we’ve selected a frame, we will finalize lens styles & treatments. I will take multiple measurements which I will send to the lab with your RX to have lenses custom made for you. I am currently using Hoya, and their digital lens designs which will give you ultra clear vision and the biggest sweet spot of vision in your lenses.
Lenses typically take about 2 weeks to complete. When they arrive from the lab, I will make sure everything is made correctly. I use an instrument called a lensometer to verify your prescription is made as ordered by the doctor and I also check to make sure all the measurements are aligned. I check the lenses for flaws or scratches, I “bench adjust” the frame, making sure nothing is crooked and also looking the frame over to check for scratches or damage. I then clean the lenses, but will leave lens markings on so I can ensure it’s all in the right spot when I fit them on you.
Next up, your fitting! I will text you that they are ready and we will schedule an appointment to ensure you have my undivided attention to adjust your eyewear perfectly.
Checking in prescription lenses on the lensometer